My role in this program:
I am completing this program in Summer 2021.
My role in this program:
I am completing this program in Summer 2021.
My role in this program:
I completed this program in Summer 2020 and learned more about technical interviews, the software industry and problem solving.
My role in this program:
I completed this program in the summer of 2017, and I learned the basics of Python and HTML/CSS here. I completed some smaller individual projects and games, and in the last two weeks my team and I built a fully functioning app that compiles congressional bills and the contact information of political representatives so that users can be more easily engaged in their communities. Link to the App:
My role in this program:
I was a scholar for 2 years in this program, where I completed many assignments, projects, essays, and presentations for 5 college credits while I was in high school. I also got to participate in the summer experience, where we built and programmed rovers, pitched a business idea, and learned more about aerospace at the Museum of Flight.
My role in this program:
My team and I participated in this competition for 2 years in high school. We built and launched many model rockets in this time, and designed them differently based on the year's requirements. In 2017, we qualified for the National Competition in Washington D.C. and placed as National Finalists.