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I started learning Java in late 2017 in my IB Computer Science class in high school. In that class, I built a couple apps in a six week timeline, using Java and JavaScript. Since then, I've been learning more about Java in my CSE classes in college, and built a website that acts as a campus map using Java and Djikstra's algorithm.
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Python was the first programming language that I learned, in summer 2017 at the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program. There, my team and I built a website/app using Python and Firebase for the database. After that, I've used CodeCademy to practice Python and do smaller projects in Python.
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I have learned and used C at a basic level in some of my lab and programming assignments in CSE classes at my college. Additionally, in my classes we did a few simple projects in C and C++ using pointer manipulation, memory allocation, and structs.
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I've been using HTML and CSS in different projects for a few years now. To create this website about myself, I am also using HTML and CSS!